Attractions Kuta Beach in Bali

Attractions Kuta Beach in Bali - When talking about the existing tourist attraction in Indonesia, Bali is still to be excellent for the tourists from overseas and locally. The island has a number of attractions which attract tourists it offers a wide range of beauty and keunikannnya, one of which is Kuta Beach.

Kuta Beach is one tourist attraction in Bali which is famous among the other attractions in Bali. Kuta Beach is located south of Denpasar, which became a favorite destination of foreign tourists to enjoy the beauty of a sunset at a time when the late afternoon until dubbed as Sunset Beach which is opposite the Sanur Beach (Sunrise Beach) which is also a famous tourist attraction in Bali. This attraction was once became a trading port in Kuta which local products traded outside the island, but is now a tourist attraction visited by tourists. Reviews In Kuta beach could certainly do a fun holiday activity, in addition to enjoying the beauty certainly can sunbathe on the beach or playing surf along the waves are challenging for those who like to surf. Reviews Attractions: Kuta Beach in Bali Island

Kuta Beach in Bali

Access to Kuta Beach is actually very easy and does not require such a long time if it departs from Ngurah Rai International Airport, it only takes about 15 minutes and could use a bus or taxi. If using public transport such as buses can immediately stop the Kuta Central Parking afterwards using public transportation to Kuta Beach with a fairly cheap rate. For admission certainly is not free of charge but with the exception of using other facilities such as surfing and other equipment rentals, and if a visit by private vehicle certainly pay parking fees have been determined. Reviews Well .., how? very easy and cheap not to go to Kuta Beach in Bali?